Friday, 22 September 2017

Step by Step Procedure of IVF Treatment

In-Vitro Fertilization also known as IVF is a process in which extracted eggs are fertilized manually with a sperm sample in the laboratory at specific environmental conditions. Later, the fertilized egg or embryo is placed in the uterus.

What are the Advantages of IVF Treatment?

  • Provide a successful reproduction         
  • Give hope to infertile people
  • Help same-sex couples and single women
  • Helps in diagnosing fertilization problems
  • Detect inherent diseases
  • Encourages donation of eggs or sperm
  • Diagnose chromosomal disorders
IVF is ideal for patients who have:
  • Low male sperm motility         
  • Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
  • Low male sperm count
  • Women having ovulation disorders
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Genetic disorder

IVF Procedure

IVF Treatment procedure is as follows:
  1. Fertility medicines are provided to stimulate egg production. The process needs multiple eggs. A transvaginal ultrasound is performed to analysis ovaries and  control hormonal levels
  2. A minor surgical process is performed to retrieved eggs. Medication is provided to reduce discomfort and pain.
  3. A sperm sample is taken from the male partner to combine with the eggs
  4. In the process of insemination, the eggs and sperm are attached and perform the fertilization in laboratory conditions.  After fertilization, fertilized eggs are considered as embryos.
  5. Further, the embryos are placed into the woman uterus to develop. Generally, this process is painless.

IVF Success Rate

The success rate of IVF solely depends on:
  • patient's medical history
  • Patient's reproductive history
  • Causes of infertility
  • Maternal age
  • Other lifestyle factors
SRISHTI HOSPITAL, one among the Affordable IVF Clinics situated in Pondicherry is known for there Advanced Fertility Treatments in india.  The Hospital has a good reputation in the field of female infertility treatment in Pondicherry.

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