Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Artificial Insemination Cost India - Classified Ad

For many couples who are having problems conceiving, artificial insemination is the answer to becoming pregnant and having a child of their own. Human Artificial Insemination procedure involves directly inserting sperm into a woman’s womb fertilization. Artificial insemination is often performed for mild male infertility.

Intrauterineinsemination (IUI) is the technique used for artificial insemination, and it has a good record of success. In IUI, a man provides a sample of sperm, which is then "washed" and filtered using special techniques. This ensures that only the highest-quality sperm is used for the procedure.

Srishtifertility centre, Puducherry is one of the leading fertility clinic in India offering best artificial insemination in human at affordable prices.

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